
Important Stuff

Hometown Church Mission & Vision
A printable sheet summarizing Hometown's 2025 mission & vision.
Baptism at Hometown Church
A brochure on things to know about being baptized!
Pre-marriage Class
A brochure on Hometown's Pre-marriage class.
Spiritual Gifts Test
Spiritual gifts are something every believer is given when they receive the gift of salvation. Here is a short, basic Spiritual Gifts Test to help you identify your gifting.
Neighbor Card
A card that you can fill in with prayers for your neighbors and a reminder of ways you can BLESS them.
Log Serving Hours
Tell us how you served our community!

Podcast/Message Resources

The Gift of Tongues
God is a miracle-working God. But He has purpose for His miracles. Sometimes His purposes change. Therefore, our expectation of certain miracles should change. Join Pastor Brent Knox as he teaches on the gift of tongues written about in the Book of Acts.
Hometown Podcast
The Official Podcast of Hometown Church. Talking all things Jesus, Christianity and the Bible. Hosted by Jesse Roskamp and Pastor Deacon Ales. Recorded and Mixed by Dan Dybing.
Understanding Eternal Security
Why is the issue of eternal security such an important doctrine? It relates to our joy in living and our confidence in God. There are so many Christians who suffer needlessly because they lack assurance of their salvation. Find out more in this document written by Brent Knox.
46 Powerful Pictures of Forgiveness
46 translations, metaphors, and meanings of the concept of Forgiveness in the Scriptures. The word Aphiemi literally means "to send away." That's what forgiveness does. God sent our sins away on the cross and calls us to do the same.

Office Forms

Expenditure Reimbursement Form
Submit to be reimbursed for personal expenditures on church purchases.
Check Request Form
Submit to request that a check be sent to a vendor or other payee.
Purchase Authorization Form
Submit to request authorization to make a purchase.
Funds Collected by a Ministry Form
Submit this form along with the funds collected.
Complaint and Grievance Procedures
Information on what to do if you have a complaint or grievance with a Hometown Church pastor or employee.
Promotion Request
This form is to get information out about your event or ministry needs! Includes event registration.
Speaker Release Form
Use this form for speakers that are recorded.
Classified Ad Listing Request
Fill this out to request a listing for items for sale, items needed, job posting, roommate desired, etc.

Building Use

Building Reservation - Lakeville
Use this form to request use of space at our Lakeville campus.
Facility Use Policy - Lakeville
Downloadable document of the policies of using our Lakeville campus.
Building Reservation - Bloomington
Use this form to request use of space at our Bloomington campus.
Facility Use Policy - Bloomington
Downloadable document of the policies of using our Bloomington campus.
Building Reservation - New Hope
Use this form to request use of space at our New Hope campus.
Facility Use Policy - New Hope
Downloadable document of the policies of using our New Hope campus.

Group Leader Tools

Small Group Discussions Library
Link to our small group discussion library.
Group Courtesies
Help your group participants be able to put the interest of others above their own with downloadable guideline.
SG Leaders Training Manual
Striving to be a Small Group Leader? Awesome! Here's a guide for being a Small Group Leader.
New Small Group Form
Use this form for starting a new Small Group at Hometown Church.
New Specialty Group Form
Use this form to start a new Specialty Group at Hometown Church
Group Leader Login for PCO
Link for logging into PCO for small group leaders.
Right Now Media Link
Over 14K Bible studies you can use for your small groups! Click this link and then create your own personal account under Hometown Church.