“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Giving back to the Lord is one of the most tangible ways we worship God - it declares He is first in our lives. Putting God first in your finances is a huge step of faith and trust, and we're excited to hear how God works in your life as a result!
By completing the commitment form HERE, you are committing to the Lord to give 10% of your income or whatever amount He is asking you to give in faith. This is not a binding agreement with Hometown Church. You can give online HERE; Text any amount to 84321; by check - mailed to Hometownchurch, 2300 E 88th Street, Bloomington, MN 55425; or cash by dropping it in any of the collection boxes at your campus.
Your donations will be given to our general fund and will help provide for all of the ministry that Hometown Church does.
If you don't experience a season of God’s provision, blessing, and growth in your faith, you are able to request a refund for the money you've given during the 90-Day Challenge. Request for refund needs to be made within 120 days of the form's submission. Contact our Finance Director, Jim Bird (jbird@hometownchurch.com), with any questions.
May God bless you on this journey. We are praying for you!