Kingdom Builders


At Hometown, one part of our 5-year vision is to become a radically generous church giving $3 million dollars to Kingdom Builders by 2025. We have an incredibly generous God and it’s our desire to become more like Him and for more people to come to know Him.  

The Heart of Kingdom Builders
In Acts 1:8 Jesus gives tasks his ordinary disciples with a global vision. In that same spirit, we believe Jesus wants each local church to have a faith-filled God-sized mission that allows them to impact their local community, the areas around them (their region) including different people groups, and the “ends of the earth” (people on the other side of the planet).Kingdom Builders is Hometown Church’s annual vision campaign for how we will actively pursue living out Acts 1:8 and raise the funding to do so.  

Acts1:8b “…And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”    

2025 Kingdom Builders Update

Watch the KB 2022 Videos
Part 1: Mission to Make Healthy Disciples
Part 5: Regional and Global Initiatives Highlighting "IAMercy"
Part 2: 5-Year Vision and Generosity
Part 6: Local Initiatives highlighting MTOC
Part 3: Making Plans to be Radically Generous
Part 7: Local Initiatives highlighting a Building Project in Lakeville
Part 4: Radical Generosity to Build the Temple…and the Church
Investing for Eternity
Just like every good deed you do in Jesus’ name, every dollar you give to build God’s Kingdom is an investment that will pay dividends in heaven for all of eternity. Unlike investments you might make towards your retirement, there is a guaranteed and eternal payback for spiritual investments. In fact, the return on investment is incredible - it goes on forever!!

When you invest for retirement you want to diversify your portfolio. Kingdom Builders is your diversified eternal portfolio...your everlasting mutual fund!  When you invest in Kingdom Builders you are...
Church Planting and Leadership
Playing a part in church planting and multiplying Christian leadership
Reaching the Unreached
Those who have never heard the Gospel or the name, “Jesus”
Investing in Life
Helping people physically live better and spiritually gain eternal life
Caring for the Poor
Caring for the physically poor AND the poor in spirit
A "thank you" from RUN Global
"It's All Connected"
A message from Haiti


Throughout 2025, we will continue to seek the Lord’s leading about other great Gospel advancing causes that Hometown Church can partner with and invest in for the coming year and beyond. Final prioritization and distribution of the funds and will determined by the pastors overseeing Kingdom Builders.
